Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The second week of university is almost done. How in the world did that happen? Where did my summer go? And I really mean where did my summer go because it's been getting cold again here in my windy city. I've seen many people taking out the scarves and I got out the fingerless mitts today. This really isn't a good sign if it's getting cold already. We had such a brutal winter last year and it would break my heart to have another one like that :( But if nothing else, I can always look on the bright side and just think that cold weather just means getting to wear my kitty hat again! Hooray!

This past week while I've been a very good imposter economics student, I have also been a pretty bad knitter. I've gotten a few more cable twists on the cabled baby blanket. However, now that I see my friend at school regularly it is starting to put me on edge knitting wise because this baby looks like it's coming out any minute. A veritable knitting time bomb that kid is, lol. But I hope that I'll have it finished by the end of this weekend. I also made an executive decision to cut about 10 inches off the second blanket. I figure that if 32 inches is good enough for one blanket, it's certainly good enough for another. And with that I regain hope of finishing by the end of September.

I do however have one finished object to report. My Rocker Girl Jaywalkers are now done, done, done!!! I finished them Sunday at my friend Jojo's place where they were sniffed, licked and generally okay-ed by 6 of the 7 animals running around her house (I have never been so completely covered in pet hair as I was when I left!) and happily wore them all day Monday. I love them to death, they are my favourite pair by far. The only mod I made to the pattern was that I didn't do the slip stitch down the sides of the instep and I used 2.5mm (US 1.5) dpn's that I received from my Sockapalooza Pal. Here they are:
There's also been some mail coming through my house but the one I've been most excited for is the Hula Punch I was talking about from The Sweet Sheep. This yarn is so yummy and I plan on winding it and casting on for a new pair of Jaywalkers as soon as I'm done writing this. Enjoy the yarn and cross your fingers that I have a baby blanket to show you by Sunday:


knitting singer said...

*crosses fingers* I'm very excited to see a finished baby blanket pic! Now you know how I feel everyday and why I really should not own any black! Those socks are so adorable, that picture doesn't do them justice! The animals were all very honored to be the ones to bless those socks for you!

Frieda said...

Love 'em ! Good luck with the baby blankets ...

Anonymous said...

The jaywalkers turned out great! I love the colorway!